Un truco simple para evitar la procrastinación
La procrastinación consiste en posponer las actividades que deben realizarse en un determinado momento para después. Al evitar hacer lo que debemos hacer, entramos en un círculo vicioso donde sentimos culpa y esto en consecuencia, provoca que nos atrasemos en otras actividades aumentando así la culpa.
Muchas veces procrastinamos porque nos sentimos con falta de energía para hacer las cosas, por ello, es importante asegurarnos de descansar adecuadamente, no tener deficiencia de vitaminas y de que estemos bien mentalmente. Aun así, siempre tendremos días buenos y malos, y saber motivarnos en un día malo es la clave para no atrasarnos en nuestras obligaciones.
Para auto motivarnos es necesario tener pequeñas dosis de energía, la cual obtenemos de pequeñas actividades, como por ejemplo:
- Tender la cama.
- Vestirse.
- Lavarse la cara.
- Recoger el tocador.
- Peinarse.
Son un sin fin de pequeñas actividades que le dirán a tu cerebro que necesita enviarte cargas de energía, de lo contrario, si estás mucho tiempo acostado o sin hacer nada, tu mente asumirá que no necesitas la energía y no te la proporcionará.
Dear Website Owner,
I hope this email finds you well. I recently discovered your website and was impressed by the quality of your content and the helpful information you offer to your audience. In light of this, I would like to propose a backlink exchange that could benefit both our websites.
My website, https://m.cheapestdigitalbooks.com/, is focused on providing affordable digital books to readers around the world. We currently have a strong online presence with a Domain Authority (DA) of 13, a Page Authority (PA) of 52, and a Domain Rating (DR) of 78. Our website features 252K backlinks, with 95% of them being dofollow, and has established connections with 5.3K linking websites, with 23% of these being dofollow links.
I believe that a mutually beneficial backlink exchange could be of great value for both of our websites, as it may lead to an increase in website authority and improve our search engine rankings. In this collaboration, I am willing to add backlinks from my website using your desired keywords and anchor texts. In return, I would be grateful if you could include backlinks with my desired keywords and anchor texts on your website.
I kindly request that you visit my website, https://m.cheapestdigitalbooks.com/, to get a sense of the potential benefits this partnership could bring to your site. I am confident that this collaboration will provide a win-win situation for both parties, and I look forward to learning more about your thoughts on this proposal.
Thank you for considering my offer. I am excited about the potential growth this partnership may bring to our websites and am eager to discuss the details further. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at your convenience.
Best regards,
David E. Smith
Email: david@cheapestdigitalbooks.com
Address: 3367 Hood Avenue, San Diego, CA 92117
Hello! Thanks for your interest. We will be analyzing your proposal.